Debunking the twin flame phenomenon:
The Twin Flame is a very rare phenomenon even more rare than a Kundalini Awakening and so the first myth to debunk is the notion that everyone has a twin flame. It occurs when one of the twin flames awakens the Kundalini in their counterpart. Although in some rare cases both of the twin flames are awakened or one is fully awakened and the other is becoming awakened. It is more common that one is awakened and the other is not and the unawakened twin is often a narcissist even if it is the unawakened twin’s energy that awoke the Kundalini in the awakened twin.
The moment the twin flame awakens by the Shaktipat given to them by the other twin an intense feeling of recognition and coming home occurs inside of them. This is why the myth has developed that the twins were once one soul which were separated eons ago. This is not true as no soul can be divided in two. Also it would follow that the two souls would then be very similar but this is not the case in every respect. Very few cases of Shaktipat is also a twin flame awakening. The coming home feeling may occur because the shaktipat giver acted as the doorway or a portal to the eternal world which is whence we came from and where we will return. Also the awakened twin has a certainty that some of their vibrational frequencies have been attached to one another at the moment of Awakening.
Another myth is that the twin flames are mirror images of one another. Actually this is not true either however the twin flame acts as a mirror for their twin so that they learn to see themselves as they truly are although this is an unwanted part of the twin flame journey as the ego bucks against it.
Yet another myth about twin flames is that it is a romantic relationship, actually it is not about romance with one another at all however it is about romance with the Divine. Twin flames are often already in a loving committed relationship with someone else. This myth exists because the awakened twin loves their twin more than they love their own self and would happily die to save their twin. This love is a supernatural love and comes from the Divine, the awakened twin acts as a conduit of this love. Because of this there is nothing the unawakened twin can ever do that would destroy the love the awakened twin has for them.
The Twin Flame phenomenon actually is about helping one another’s soul to ascend in order to help raise the consciousness of each other and the world. That is why one of the first things to happen is the awakened twin experiences their ego being crushed. They will be instrumental in eventually crushing their unawakened twins ego. Ego’s must be crushed in order for souls to ascend. Because the unawakened twin still has a big ego which prevents them from being aware that they are a twin they may insist that they are not the awakened twin’s flame. The awakened twin must bear this with chagrin and patience.
The runner dynamic of the twin flame relationship is not a myth. The twins tend to take turns running away from each other because the relationship is so powerful, disturbing and life-changing. The periods of separation can be heart-wrenching for the awakened twin but they eventually get used to it and even come to appreciate the times of separation. The twins can go many years without direct contact and this is fine because their separation is the time for them to grow in order for them to catch up with one another in the different ways that they are each advanced in. They may never meet again after separation and that is also fine because the ultimate goal is surrender and Union with God.
Some interesting truths about twin flame relationships are that they have a magnetic pull towards one another even though some seem to have a love-hate relationship. The unawakened twin can be very envious of the spiritual advancement of the awakened twin and in their envy will even do things to try to hurt the awakened twin. From the moment of the Awakening the awakened twin can feel the energy of their twin in their chakras. They also have a telepathic communication of which the awakened twin can receive certain telepathic messages from their twin’s higher consciousness, the unawakened twin is usually unaware of this. The awakened twin can feel certain emotions that the unawakened twin is feeling. The awakened twin is highly intuitive of the unawakened twin and knows things about them that even the unawakened twin does not know about themselves. In the very beginning of the Awakening the connection is so powerful the awakened twin may even feel the heartbeat of the unawakened twin and meet them in the astral realm without their twin’s conscious mind being aware of it.
Another interesting fact of the Twin Flame phenomenon is that 11:11 has special significance for awakened twin flames. August 11th is Saint Clare's feast day and she is the twin flame of Saint Francis who were both awakened Mystics.
Other historical twin flames are probably the mystic Richard Rolle, Princess Alice of Greece, St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Madam Guyon, Saint Philip Neri and Rumi . Occasionally even brother and sister could be twin flames of the other as probably is the case with Saint Benedict and his twin sister Saint Scholastica.
The Twin Flame path is a challenging one and is not for the faint of heart. The answer to the common question, ‘will twin flames ever unite’ is quite simple: they don't have to as they are always connected energetically. Also the true goal of the phenomenon is to unite wholly with the Divine and in that way unite with all of creation.
This is not a new phenomenon, many Mystics of all religions have experienced this connection over the centuries. The Sufi mystic Rumi also writes about the experience in his beautiful poetry.
Indira B-N इन्दिरा
“the twin flame acts as a mirror for their twin so that they learn to see themselves as they truly are” Indira