Can a Christian experience a Kundalini Awakening?

Can a Christian experience a Kundalini Awakening?

Absolutely a Christian can have a Kundalini Awakening only they will not know that the term to describe it in Sanskrit is Kundalini Awakening. There is a Latin term for it that Catholics use but very few Catholics know this term, it is called Incendium Amoris which means fire of divine love. Actualization and the Dark Night of the Soul are also terms Christians used to describe a Kundalini Awakening. Every true Mystic has this experience no matter what their faith background is.

I was a devout Christian practicing fasting twice a week and Christian meditation. After 24 years of leading a lifestyle like this I went on a pilgrimage to Israel and experienced a Kundalini Awakening. In other words it was like a boiling up of the Holy Spirit, I was filled with the Holy Spirit energy and it has never gone away. I had no idea what was happening to me but eventually I found out about Kundalini Awakenings and realized that is exactly what happened to me.

To answer the question simply a Christian can have a Kundalini Awakening by practicing fasting, meditation and obeying the Ten Commandments.

I now practice and teach yoga because yoga was the only thing to help me understand what happened to me. Christians are afraid of a Kundalini Awakening because it opens a person up to the spiritual world and many frightening things can occur at the beginning but over time the body and mind adjust to being open to the spiritual world. Eventually a Kundalini Awakening can become a wonderful experience as it will help a person become closer to God and help them attain abilities they never knew they could have.

Christians also are wary of the Kundalini portrayed as a snake or serpent as Kundalini means snake in Sanskrit. They should take note that a serpent is not always representative of evil in the Bible. Moses holds a serpent up for his people to look at and it saves them from death, in this case the serpent is actually a foreshadowing of Christ being held up on the cross.

Many Christians are also wary of yoga has they wrongfully think of yoga as a religion which worships many gods, confusing Hinduism with yoga. Yoga actually is not a religion however it is a system of spirituality which leads humans closer to God and mankind by meditation. The definition of yoga is found in the second Sutra:

“In yoga sutra 1.2, the second sutra of book one, Patanjali lays out the definition and purpose of yoga. Yogash citta vrtti nirodha: yoga is the cessation of the modifications, or fluctuations, of the mind.”

We do this by meditating. Some Christians think meditation is dangerous because they think it is emptying the mind. This is a wrong translation of the Buddhist definition of meditation. Meditation cannot mean emptying the mind because if you emptied your mind you would be dead. Meditation simply means focussing the mind on one thing.

I am still a devout Christian yet I am very grateful to yoga for giving me the understanding of what happened to me when I had my spontaneous Kundalini Awakening.

I recommend reading: Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality by Philip St. Romain, Spiritual Emergency: when personal transformation becomes a crisis by Stanislav and Christina Groff, also The Stormy Search for the Self by the same authors. Farther Shores by Yvonne Kason, Kundalini The Evolutionary Energy in Man by Gopi Krishna. Bonnie Greenwell and Lee Sanella are other excellent authors on the subject of Kundalini Awakening. The Cloud of Unknowing is an ancient Christian text describing how one man achieved a Kundalini Awakening. The Fire of Love is another ancient writing by the mystic Richard Rolle describing how he came to experience a Kundalini Awakening also The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross and there are many other Christian Mystics who have written about it including Saint Teresa of Avila who wrote on this subject in The Interior Castle.

Indira B-N इन्दिरा



Indira Noro