February 11th, 2020 five year birthday of my Kundalini Awakening
February 11th, 2020 is the 5-year birthday of my Kundalini Awakening, (the beginning of my actualization process) 6 months from my birthdate, August 11th - 11:11. I have never been happier or felt more sense of peace then the moment my shakipat giver looked into my eyes and the eyes of the Divine looked through his eyes deep into my soul then I felt myself surrender and my soul Awaken to another world. From that moment on I have lived in two worlds. I suffered intensely for the next three and a half years of this transformation period otherwise known as a Spiritual Emergency, my body and soul being tested and purged as if by fire. Although this metamorphose process had blissful times I resented it at first because it was also traumatic, frightening, and confusing but now that I have come through the most demanding of it I see it was necessary for the accelerated ascension of my soul. I have always desired to touch many lives in a way that opens the Divine to them and now I have that ability and I am so grateful for it.
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Quotes from Rumi:
To become spiritual, you must die to self, and come alive in the Lord. Only then will the mysteries of God fall from your lips.
To die to self through self-discipline causes suffering but brings you everlasting life.
Knock, and He will open the door. Vanish, and He'll make you shine like the sun. Fall, and He will raise you to the heavens. Become nothing, and He will turn you into everything.
I'll be waiting here... For your silence to break, for your soul to shake, for your love to wake.
I've been looking for a long, long time, for this thing called love, I've ridden comets across the sky, and I've looked below and above. Then one day I looked inside myself and this is what I found, a golden sun residing there beaming forth God's light and sound. Indira B-N इन्दिरा
2020 - 5 years after my Awakening greatly blessed in many ways including enjoying being a grandmother.
Indira instructing from her backyard on Zoom