The Twin Flame Phenomena Explained

The Twin Flame Phenomena Explained:

Twin Flame phenomena is very confusing, it is in a love category that is not well known or understood. Because of the confusion the ‘runner dynamic’ often plays out. Twin Flame love is an energetic and spiritual love. It is meant to inspire the human race to move towards the Source of Life - God. A way to describe the connection is that Twin Flames share the same energetic frequency. It seems that one or some of their chakra’s must be open for the energetic bond to occur. Also, one of them will experience a Kundalini Awakening caused by meeting the other.

The Twin Flame love is powerful, it’s like two magnets that attract one another. It is primarily a soul love, not so much a physical love. In fact the physical part is not necessary. That is why it is often the case that Twin Flames rarely meet in the physical but when they do and when they part in the beginning the awakened twin will feel the pain of separation acutely.

I believe the purpose of the pain is to remind the awakened Twin Flame of the pain that God feels when humans separate themselves from the Source of Life. To cope with the pain the Twin Flame must keep in mind that this is not a worldly relationship so much as a spiritual one and as such is eternal. Also the awakened Twin Flame should take heart that this Dark Night of the Soul will be relieved once the surrender phase begins to take place (usually after at least 3 years.) They should keep in mind that the surrender phrase is a struggle but the more they continue to practice surrendering the closer they come to the time where they are completely surrendered to God's will.

The energetic connection is so powerful that the Twin Flames are connected no matter how far apart on the planet they are. At least one of them can distinctly feel the other’s energy even if one were in the Artic and the other in Japan, just the same as if they were sitting across from each other at dinner. To try to make a comparison it is like talking on a cell phone as the awakened twin can hear or connect with the unawakened twin telepathically which reminds them that they are connected in the spiritual realm.

The purpose of the Twin Flame relationship is that the two souls have an effect of inspiring each other and/or transforming each other. This is not for their benefits alone but is meant for the purpose of spreading inspiration to other humans so that they can learn and understand the Source of Life better.

May the Source of Life be with you. Indira - इन्दिरा



Indira Noro