Typical questions in response to the article: Debunking the Twin Flame Phenomena

Typical Questions asked in response to the article: Debunking the Twin Flame Phenomena:

Dear Indira,

Hope you are doing well. I am new to your blog and very new to the concept of Twin flames. As I was looking for information on Twin flames and the spiritual awakening it causes, I came across your article https://www.indiraskundaliniyoga.com/articles/2019/1/29/debunking-the-twin-flame-phenomenon

I am so glad that I found it after filtering through so much information available on the Internet which did not seem to resonate with me. Theories of split soul (impossible), romance, physical union did not seem to explain what I have experienced correctly. However, every word of your article made sense to me.

Thank you for explaining it so simply and beautifully, debunking all the myths.

Can I ask you few questions which are still not clear to me:

1. Why does God/Universe create twin flames in the first place? I understand they help each other to realise God but why this mechanism? As you mentioned in your article, not everyone has a twin flame. Why do some people have one?

2. Do the two souls chosen to be twin flames have some past connection? Why are those two chosen out of the group?

3. What happens when the running/chasing is over and the purpose of having each other in their lives is clear? Does it simply mean that they continue to grow spiritually?

I really look forward to your response.

Infinite gratitude to you and to the Universe for helping me with your article.

Love and peace,

My answers according to my own understanding:

1. I have been on this path since February 11th, 2015 interestingly exactly 6 months from my birthday which falls on August 11th - 11:11. I have been a part of the Twin Flame community on Quora and so I have heard many stories and many explanations but no one really knows why some people have a twin and most people don't or why this mechanism. Probably there are different reasons for different people. I do know the reason for my own situation and that is that I am supposed to help save my Twin's soul and through his tremendous energy that I have received through Shakipat help people find healing and peace. My Twin has been on a path of soul-destruction. This does not mean I have to be in his life, I can help him simply by energetic prayer based in sacrifice. To me the actual definition of unconditional love is self sacrifice. We have been separated since 2018, within the time we were in contact I also had a huge impact on his life. I actually don't see us ever connecting again in this world and I have come to the stage in the process where it doesn't matter to me if I ever see him again in this world, in fact I would prefer if we would never meet again in this world. This does not mean that I do not love him, it just means that I understand that love is eternal and it is the sign of reaching the surrender stage. I still receive his energy and his telepathic messages. Some twins are both awakened and their purpose is to inspire each other to help the world as in the case of the Twin Flame mystics Saint Francis and Saint Clare, obviously as they were celibate they never came together physically.

2. I personally believe that there was a soul contract made before we were born or outside of time to help each other and that is why there is that instant recognition at the moment of Awakening for the awakened twin. They are chosen according to their individual needs and personalities I would presume.

3. I think in some cases the runner/chaser part of the phenomenon never ends but in some cases it does end according to the many cases I have read about. Some twins finally come to a peaceful relationship at a distance but rarely do they end up together physically. In my case the purpose has been clear from the beginning and that is for us to transform each other's lives. The transformation for me has been very substantial. I went from a very private life as a Goldsmith and a homeschooling mother to a very public life. I now instruct yoga in the community centres of my city and many people experience mental and/or physical healing when I teach them and when I touch them. Before covid I always ended my yoga/meditation classes by placing my hands on their shoulders, some would have a supernatural experience when I touched them. Now I instruct yoga on Zoom and I have been able to have a positive effect on many people who have been depressed being housebound during covid.

I think we are always growing spiritually until we die.

May you and all twin flames experience some comfort in reading my articles,

Indira इन्दिरा




Indira Noro