1. Indira's Meditation with the Elements

Come to your comfortably seated position.

This guided meditation I have designed connects 7 elements to our chakras. We will meditate for two minutes at each chakra on the ELEMENTS.

First let us draw ourselves inwards by closing our eyes, taking 3 deep breaths and focusing our energy at our ROOT CHAKRA, located at the base of the spine and at the feet, the colour is red, it symbolizes survival. I have attached the root chakra to the element of EARTH, envision the root chakra’s energy grounding down joining the earth's energy. From dust our body arose, to dust our body will return but our spirit will return to the Divine from whence it came.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 King James Version (KJV)

7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Meditate here and at each chakra for 2 minutes.

Ascending your energy up to the SACRAL CHAKRA located in the lower abdomen area, the colour is orange, it symbolizes pleasure, sexuality and desire. Here I have attached to the element of WOOD as wood comes from a living tree which grows out of the Earth.

Ascending your energy up to the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA, it is located in the navel area, the colour is yellow, it symbolizes ego, power and will. Here I have attached to the element of METAL as the solar plexus stands for power and will and metal symbolizes strength and power.

Ascending your energy up to the HEART CHAKRA, located in your chest area, the colour is green, it symbolizes love and relationships. Here I have attached to the element of FIRE. All Mystics describe the heart chakra as being on fire once the Kundalini or the higher consciousness has awakened. The Catholic or Latin term for Kundalini Awakening (which is the goal of yoga) is Incendium Amoris which means the igniting of fire of divine love within yourself.

Moving your energy up to the THROAT CHAKRA, the colour is blue, it symbolizes communication. Here I have attached to the element of WIND. May our words that catch wind always be mindful.

Moving your energy up to the THIRD EYE CHAKRA, located between your eyebrows, the colour is violet, it symbolizes your intuition and supernatural abilities. I have attached this chakra to the element of WATER as our emotions give rise to tears in our eyes, tears of joy and tears of sadness.

Moving your energy up to the CROWN CHAKRA, here envision a white light coming in and out of the top of your head. It symbolizes your higher consciousness joining with the Source of Life or surrender. Here I have attached the element of AETHER as Aether is the unknown, space, black matter or the Mystical entity that holds everything together sometimes referred to as Spirit.

Take a moment to feel the Divine love traveling through your whole body. Your body is the home of love.

We will end this guided meditation by visualizing breathing in the peace and love the Source of Life wants to bless you with and exhaling your peace, love and gratitude returning these blessings to the Source of Life and to the world with 3 deep breaths.

Come to lay down in savasana. Feel your arms and legs growing heavy and the gravity of the earth pulling your body down towards the center of the Earth and your whole body melting into the Earth. Now focus on your breath for the next few minutes in savasana...

Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Draw your knees into your chest and rock side to side. Then come back to your comfortably seated position and bring your hands together at Heart Center.

Indira B-N इन्दिरा

Indira Noro