2. Indira's Meditation On The Five Love Languages

2. Indira’s Meditation on the Five Love Languages:

Come to your comfortably seated position.

Here is a guided contemplative meditation I have designed using the 5 love languages Gary Chapman has written about in his book The Five Love Languages. I have attached the five love languages to the first five chakras, they are gift giving and receiving, physical touch, acts of service, quality time and words of affirmation. If we learn to be mindful of the prefered love language of a person we can communicate much better with them in a way that they will feel more loved.

Draw yourself inwards by closing your eyes and taking 3 deep breaths. Now let us focus our attention at the ROOT CHAKRA, the survival chakra, located at the base of the spine and at the feet, the colour is red, I have attached the love language of GIFT GIVING AND RECEIVING - Think of a meaningful gift that you have been given and contemplate on how it made you feel. Meditate here on that feeling and at each chakra for 2 minutes.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the SACRAL CHAKRA, the sexuality, desire and pleasure chakra, located in your lower abdomen, the colour is orange, I have attached the love language of PHYSICAL TOUCH - How does it make you feel when you are given a friendly hug or loving touch. Envision yourself being held by the Divine in a loving embrace.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA, the power and will chakra, located in the navel area, the colour is yellow, I have attached the love language of ACTS OF SERVICE - Sometimes we are shown love or we give love by serving others. How does it make you feel when someone does something for you to show their love, it may be as simple as helping you carry in the groceries. When we show love in action it is the spark of the Divine igniting in us. Meditate on the spark of the Divine that motivates you to serve others.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the HEART CHAKRA, the love and relationship chakra, located in the chest area, the colour is green, I have attached the love language of QUALITY TIME - Meditate on how you feel when you are spending time with a loved one. Where two or more are gathered together spending time with each other the Divine is present also.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the THROAT CHAKRA, the communication chakra, the colour is blue, I have attached the love language of WORDS OF AFFIRMATION - Do you remember to give words of affirmation, to speak loving and encouraging words. How do you feel when someone gives you words of affirmation. The Divine is present in loving and kind words.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the THIRD EYE CHAKRA, the intuition chakra, located in between the eyebrows, the colour is violet, we can contemplate which one of the love languages resonates with yourself more than the others. Is it gifts, touch, acts of service, quality time or words of affirmation?

Ascending the focus of your energy to the CROWN CHAKRA, the higher consciousness chakra, located at the top of the head, envision a white light coming in and out of the top of your head. Contemplate your loved one's dominant love language to help connect in the way they appreciate the most and give gratitude for the many ways we can give and receive love.

Come to lay down in savasana.

Take a minute to feel Divine love traveling through your whole body. Your body is the home of love. Imagine the sensation of the pull of gravity. Feel yourself sinking into the Earth as if you're melting into it. Breath in peace and love, exhale any remaining stress, tension, anxiety, feel safe. Breathe in peace and love, exhale sending your peace and love to the Source of Life and the universe. Continue to focus on your breath for the next few minutes in savasana…

Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes, hands and feet. Draw your knees into your chest and rock side to side.

Then come back to your comfortably seated position and bring your hands together at Heart Center. Namaste.
* We will be listening to the Loving Kindness song by Ashana
https://youtu.be/-OT8psYodv4 during our savasana.

Indira B-N इन्दिरा

I recommend reading The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Indira Noro