3. Indira's Gratitude Meditation

Indira's Gratitude Contemplative Meditation:

Come to your comfortably seated position.

At each chakra we will focus on something to be grateful for.

First let us draw ourselves inwards by closing our eyes, taking 3 deep breaths and focusing our energy at our ROOT CHAKRA, it is located at the base of the spine and at the feet, the colour is red, it symbolizes survival. Here meditate with gratitude on life-sustaining resources such as water, heat, plants and animals. Meditate here and and at each chakra for 2 minutes.

Ascending the focus of your energy to theSACRAL CHAKRA located in the lower abdomen area, the colour is orange, it symbolizes pleasure, sexuality and desire. Call to mind some of the material things you have that make you feel good.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA, it is located in the navel area, the colour is yellow, it symbolizes ego, power and will. Be thankful for everything you have been able to accomplish in your personal life, work life and spiritual life.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the HEART CHAKRA, located in the chest area, the colour is green, it symbolizes love and relationships. Call to mind your loved ones, both friends and family in this life or the next who you are grateful for.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the THROAT CHAKRA, the colour is blue, it symbolizes communication. Communicate with those loved ones by sending your gratitude by energetic vibration or prayer.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the THIRD EYE CHAKRA, located between the eyebrows, the colour is violet, it symbolizes your intuition and supernatural abilities. Be grateful for the aspects of yourselves that you admire.

Ascending the focus of your energy to the CROWN CHAKRA, here envision a white light coming in and out of the top of your head. It symbolizes your higher consciousness joining with the Source of Life or surrender. Express gratitude for the lessons you have learned in life so far that have raised your consciousness.

We will end this guided meditation with an Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi.

Come to lay down in savasana.

Take a minute to feel the Divine love traveling through your whole body. Your body is the home of love. Imagine the sensation of the pull of gravity. Feel yourself sinking into the Earth as if you're melting into it. Breath in peace and love, exhale any remaining stress, tension, anxiety, feel safe. Breathe in peace and love, exhale sending your peace and love to the Source of Life and the world.

Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Draw your knees into your chest and rock side to side.

Then come back to your comfortably seated position and bring your hands together at Heart Center. Namaste.

Indira B-N इन्दिरा

*During this savasana we will listen to Deep Peace by Ashana https://youtu.be/300CZZINqCE.

Indira Noro