4. Indira's Meditation On The Places Where We Have Experienced Love In Our Life

Come to your comfortably seated position.

Let us begin by drawing our attention inwards and with a deep breath in welcome in the Life Energy which sustains us moment by moment and then exhale any tension that might be in your body.

At each chakra we will focus on a place where we have experienced love.

At the ROOT CHAKRA located at the base of the spine and at the feet, the colour is red, it symbolizes survival. Here focus on the warmth and security of your first home in your mother's womb. Meditate here and at each chakra for 2 minutes.

Ascending your energy to the SACRAL CHAKRA located in the lower abdomen area, the colour is orange, it symbolizes pleasure, sexuality and desire. Here focus on the first home you remember feeling loved.

Ascend your energy to the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA located in the navel area, the colour is yellow, it symbolizes ego, power and will. Focus on any school or place of learning that you may have felt loving friendships.

Ascending your energy to the HEART CHAKRA, located in the chest area, the colour is green, it symbolizes love and relationships. Here focus on any place of worship in a building or in a natural setting that you felt loved.

Ascending your energy to the THROAT CHAKRA, the colour is blue, it symbolizes communication. Focus on any friend's home that you may have received words of love and comfort.

Ascending your energy to the THIRD EYE CHAKRA, located between the eyebrows, the colour is violet, it symbolizes your intuition and supernatural abilities. Focus on your current home and noticed the areas of your home where you identify the most with loving feelings.

Ascending your energy to the CROWN CHAKRA, here envision a white light coming in and out of the top of your head. It symbolizes your higher consciousness joining with the Source of Life or surrender. Now imagine the feeling of love you will experience from the Divine when you enter into eternity. Know that you were, are and always will be greatly loved by your Divine maker.

Take a moment to feel the Divine love traveling through your whole body. Your body is the home of love.

We will end this guided meditation by visualizing breathing in the peace and love the Source of Life wants to bless you with and exhaling your peace, love and gratitude returning these blessings to the Source of Life and to the world with 3 deep breaths.

Come to lay down in savasana. Feel your arms and legs growing heavy and the gravity of the earth pulling your body down towards the center of the Earth and your whole body melting into the Earth. Now focus on your breath for the next few minutes in savasana...

Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Draw your knees into your chest and then rock side to side.

Then come back to your comfortably seated position and bring your hands together at Heart Center. Namaste.

Indira B-N इन्दिरा

Indira Noro