5. Indira's Relaxation Meditation With Gentle Touch

For this meditation gently touch each of the areas that we are focusing on. Meditate at each chakra for 1 to 2 minutes.

Focus your attention at your root chakra, your survival chakra and close your eyes. Use your fingertips to gently stroke the soles of your feet. Envision the energy of the Earth entering your feet. Wiggle your toes, now feel them relaxing. Use this Earth Energy to relax your feet and ankles. Using your fingertips to guide the energy raising this relaxing energy up your calves to your knees and to your thighs. Feel the weight of your legs being drawn to the Earth completely relaxing your legs.

Ascend your focus to your sacral chakra, your pleasure and fertility chakra, as you gently touch your buttocks, tailbone and hips to activate the Earth Energy, feel that energy moving throughout this area relaxing it.

Ascend your focus to your solar plexus chakra, the power and will chakra, feel the Earth Energy enter your solar plexus whic is your navel area relaxing the stomach, waist and lower back gently touching these areas to stimulate the energy.

Ascend your focus to your heart chakra, the love and relationships chakra. Feel the energy in the heart chakra, trace your fingertips across your chess and shoulders mindfully a relaxing your shoulder and chest area. Feel your shoulders melting away, relax your upper arms, four arms and hands right to your fingertips. Give your fingers a wiggle and then relax them.

Ascend your focus to your throat chakra, the communication chakra, gently stroking your throat and neck relaxing that area . Move your awareness to your mouth area, relaxing your jaw, notice the weight of your tongue, relax it as well.

Ascend your focus to your third eye chakra, your intuition and supernatural chakra, touch the third eye area between your eyebrows mindfully bringing the energy there, notice a tingling sensation. Use the tingling sensation to relax your nose, facial muscles, earlobes and forehead.

Gently massaging the crown of your head mindfully raise the Earth Energy up to your crown chakra, the higher consciousness chakra. Envision a hole opening at the top of your head and the envision Divine Light pouring into the hole. Now move that Divine Light to your heart chakra, feel your soul immersed in the light. Envision that light joining with your soul, expanding it until you feel your soul expanding beyond the limits of your body, reaching out and connecting to all human consciousness and the Universal Consciousness.

Now feel how your whole body is relaxed.

We will end this guided meditation by visualizing breathing in the peace and love the Divine wants to bless you with and exhaling your peace and love as you return the blessing gift to the universe with 3 deep breaths. Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Then open your eyes and bring your hands together at Heart Center. Namaste.

Indira Noro