6. Indira's Grounding Down, Lifting Up And Floating Meditation

We start our meditation as usual seated in a comfortable position focusing on the ringing of our Tibetan singing bowl and our pranayama - breath work.

Bring your attention to your ROOT CHAKRA - your buttocks hands and feet. Close your eyes and feel the weight of your body settling down into the ground. Know that here in this present moment, whilst you are connecting to the Earth, you are totally safe. Breathe in peace and love and trust. Exhale any anxiety or stress. Feel the weight of your hands, buttocks and feet as gravity pulls them towards the center of the Earth.

Now moving up to the SACRAL CHAKRA in the lower abdomen area, imagine a heaviness pulling you downwards. The Earth is supporting you, you are safe. With every inhale the universe is filling you with love, know that you are loved. All the good things of the Earth have been designed for you to enjoy so that you know that you are loved.

Let's move up to the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA or your navel area. Notice the weight of the center of your body. As the weight of your body pulls you towards the Earth envision your soul beginning to rise. On the intake breath breathe in the unconditional love of the universe. Exhale your own love sending it out to the universe.

Now reaching our HEART CHAKRA, our chest area, feel your soul lifting and expanding beyond the limits of your body. Inhale and exhale love.

Moving up to our THROAT CHAKRA, continue to feel the lifting and expanding sensation of your soul. Communicate your love to the universe with every inhale and exhale.

As we move up to our THIRD EYE CHAKRA, encompassing our whole face area, envision your soul beginning to float outside of your body in a sea of love.

Now reaching our CROWN CHAKRA, envision your floating soul connecting and surrendering to the universal consciousness, becoming one with all love.

We will end this guided meditation by visualizing breathing in the peace and love the Divine wants to bless you with and exhaling your peace and love as you return the blessing gift to the universe with 3 deep breaths.

Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Then open your eyes and bring your hands together at Heart Center. Namaste.


Indira Noro