7. Indira's Loving Kindness Meditation

Indira's loving-kindness meditation

We will say each mantra aloud twice together and then you may continue saying it in your interior for 2 minutes either in English or in your native tongue. Keep in mind my formula: gratitude plus forgiveness equals peace and joy.

The colour of the ROOT CHAKRA is red. You may imagine the hands, buttocks and feet glowing red as we repeat the mantra. The hands are dual chakras they can be connected to both the root and the heart chakra so when we connect them to the root chakra we envision them as red, when we connect them to the heart chakra we can envision them as green. Repeat this mantra:

May I be happy, may I be well, may I be comfortable and at peace.

Notice how you feel right now.

The colour of the SACRAL CHAKRA is orange. You may imagine your lower abdomen as glowing orange as you bring into your awareness a person on this Earth whom you love dearly. Repeat this mantra:

May YOU be happy, may YOU be well, may YOU be comfortable and at peace.

Notice how you feel right now.

The colour of the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is yellow. You may imagine your navel area as glowing yellow while you bring into your awareness a person who you love dearly and who has passed over into the next world. Repeat this mantra:

May YOU be happy, may YOU be well, may YOU be comfortable and at peace.

Notice how you feel right now.

The colour of the HEART CHAKRA is green. You may imagine your chest, arms and hands as glowing green. Bring to mind more of your loved ones. Repeat the mantra:

May YOU be happy, may YOU be well, may YOU be comfortable and at peace.

Notice how you feel.

The colour of the THROAT CHAKRA is blue. You may imagine your throat as glowing blue. Bring to mind someone you have conflict with, see if you can offer this person the same loving kindness that you have offered to the others. Repeat the mantra:

May YOU be happy, may YOU be well, may YOU be comfortable and at peace.

Notice how you feel.

The THIRD EYE CHAKRA is the colour violet. You may imagine your face as glowing violet as you picture the entire human race who are alive on this planet. Repeat this mantra:

May WE be happy, may WE be well, may WE be comfortable and at peace.

Notice how you feel.

The CROWN CHAKRA is colourless, you may picture it as a white light coming in and out of the top of your head. Envision of all the souls who have ever lived. Repeat this mantra:

May WE be happy, may WE be well, may WE be comfortable and at peace.

Notice how you feel.

Spend a few moments sending your loving gratitude to the Source of all Life for both the positive and the challenging relationships. Positive to encourage us and challenging to teach us.

We will end this guided meditation by visualizing breathing in the peace and love the Divine wants to bless you with and exhaling your peace and love as you return the blessing gift to the universe with 3 deep breaths . Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Then open your eyes and bring your hands together at Heart Center. Namaste.

In savasana listen to the Loving Kindness song by Ashana:

Indira Noro