15. Indira's Curling, Unfurling and Stretching Meditation

Indira's curling, unfurling and stretching meditation:

Beginning with the ROOT CHAKRA, our survival chakra, envision yourself curled up in a tight ball. This is the chakra in which we think we can save ourselves. We hold on tightly to everything we have and what we think we are, trying to protect ourselves. Give your body a tight hug so that you can physically feel your protective instinct. Meditate on the sensation of being held by yourself.

Moving on to the SACRAL CHAKRA, our desire, sexuality and fertility chakra. At this chakra raise your head up from your tight ball. Relax the hug that you are giving yourself. Here you begin to notice the world around you, your desires beyond the necessities begin to be piqued. Here you know that you want more from life than just survival. What do you notice or desire, meditate on that.

Now we reach our SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA, our power and will chakra. Here we begin to plan how to achieve our desires. Envision your curled up body beginning to relax. What desires and goals have you had in your life that you were able to bring to fruition? Meditatively express gratitude for what you have been able to accomplish.

Coming to our HEART CHAKRA, the love and relationships chakra, here keep in mind the definition of unfurling which is:

- make or become spread out from a rolled or folded state, especially in order to be open to the wind as in the sail of a sailboat unfurling.

So now fully unfurl yourself until you're sitting up straight and expand your chest area, envisioning yourself being open to the love from the Universal Consciousness and receiving that love until your chest feels like it is glowing with love.

Raising our focus to our THROAT CHAKRA, the communication chakra, bend your head back for a few moments to help open it up. Draw the love up from your chest to your throat area. Envision your throat glowing with love and sending this love out to all your friends, loved ones and everyone in this world and the world on the other side of this life.

Begin to feel the love stretching from your throat to your THIRD EYE CHAKRA between your eyebrows, the intuition chakra. Here relax letting go of your inhibitions, trusting in your intuition, it is there to guide you. Whatever thought or picture comes to you now meditate on it.

Now as you bring the love to your CROWN CHAKRA, the connecting with the higher consciousness chakra, stretch your arms up towards the sky. Hold them up for a few moments then relax them at your sides. Envision your soul in a complete state of trust and surrender knowing that no material quest or material thing can give you the peace that you receive from the stretching and the surrendering to Universal Love.

Continuing in this state of surrender we will enter into our savasana listening to Deep Peace by Ashana.

Indira Noro