14. Indira's Tree Meditation

Indira's tree meditation.

As usual we will use our seven chakras to help us ascend during our meditation.

ROOT CHAKRA symbolizing survival: Here envision yourself as the seed of a tree planted firmly in the earth. Feel the security of the earth around you.

SACRAL CHAKRA symbolizing fertility: Envision your primary root breaking through the seed shell and beginning to anchor itself in the earth absorbing the nutrients and moisture of the earth.

SOLAR PLEXUS symbolizing power: Envision the emergence of the embryonic shoot beginning to push itself out into the world and feeling the sunshine for the first time.

HEART CHAKRA symbolizing love and relationships: Now exposed to the outside world envision yourself feeling the warmth of the sun and the wetness of the rain as you begin to grow your leaves as a seedling.

THROAT CHAKRA symbolizing communication: As a sapling here we begin to share our oxygen with the world. Envision exhaling this life-giving oxygen to our world.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA symbolizing intuition. Envision yourself growing tall and strong, becoming a home to the chipmunks, squirrels and birds.

CROWN CHAKRA symbolizing higher consciousness: Envision yourself as a mature tree with the wind blowing through your branches stretching out as if to touch the sky.

Now as we come to the end of our meditation, like the tree sending out its oxygen as a gift to the world, send your beautiful love out to our world and the universe.

Indira Noro