9. Indira's Healing Meditation

Indira's healing meditation:

Come to your comfortably seated position.

Starting with clearing your body of all negativity we first want to breathe in love and peace and exhale all anxiety and stress. Keep in mind that forgiveness + gratitude = peace + joy.

For this healing meditation envision a warm, glowing ball of light about the size of a tennis ball. This glowing ball is a healing ball of love, every cell it touches it has a healing effect upon.

At your ROOT CHAKRA envision this warm, glowing ball on your right foot, wiggle your toes here.  Envision the ball slowly traveling from your toes to your heal, healing and revitalizing every cell as it travels. Envision it slowly traveling up from your ankle to your calf. Bringing it to your knee hold it there. Envision it having a healing effect on this joint that is so overworked. Bring that ball of light to your thigh. Imagine it healing and revitalizing every cell in your thigh. Let the healing ball travel to the right side of your hips and then your buttocks. Move it now to the base of your spine. Now across the left side of your buttocks to your left hip then left thigh. Now move it down to your left knee resting it there and envisioning it renewing and revitalizing every cell in your knee. Now have the ball of light travel down your left calf through your ankle and to your toes. Wiggle your toes as the light of the healing ball touches it.

Bring the ball of light to the center of your lower abdomen, your SACRAL CHAKRA. Move the ball of light to your right side. Envision it healing and revitalizing every cell as it goes. Slowly bringing it back to the center and then moving it to your left side.

Now bringing the ball of light to your navel which is center of your SOLAR PLEXUS. Keeping the ball of light there expand the size of the ball of light so that it reaches front and back and side to side of the whole center of your body.

Now coming to your HEART CHAKRA, envision the healing ball of light resting in your center chest. Have it travel to your right shoulder and down your right arm to your elbow then to your forearm and right hand. Wiggle your right fingers as it reaches your fingertips. Now bring that ball of light back along your right arm to the center of your chest and have it travel to your left shoulder then slowly down your left arm and elbow, then forearm into your left hand, wiggle your fingers as it reaches your fingertips. Envision healing not only your chest area and arms and hands but also any heartaches you may be suffering.

For your THROAT CHAKRA envision every cell in your throat being healed by that ball of light and as the throat chakra is our communication chakra send out healing light from your throat area to anyone you have a relationship with that needs healing.

For the THIRD EYE CHAKRA envision the healing ball in the center of your third eye and it expanding in size to encompass your whole face healing every cell in your face. Now bring the center of the ball to the center of your head and envision it healing all troubles of the mind and any depression that you may be suffering from.

Lastly we will bring the healing ball of light to the top of the head, the CROWN CHAKRA. Envision rays of light descending through your body from the top of your head filling the entire body with healing light. The whole body from the tip of your toes to the top of your head has been touched by the healing ball of light.

Send gratitude to the Source of Life for the bodies that have served us so well.

We will end this guided meditation by visualizing breathing in the peace and love the Divine wants to bless you with and exhaling your peace and love as you return the blessing gift to the Source of Life and the universe with 3 deep breaths.

Come to lay down in savasana. Feel your arms and legs growing heavy and the gravity of the earth pulling your light filled body down towards the center of the Earth and your whole body melting into the Earth. Now focus on your breath for the next few minutes in savasana…

Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Draw your knees into your chest and rock side to side. Then open your eyes and bring your hands together at Heart Center. Namaste.

Indira B-N इन्दिरा

In savasana we will be listening to Opening to Your Love by Ashana:

Indira Noro