10. Indira's One Sacred Earth Meditation

Indira's one sacred Earth meditation:

After our pranayama - breathing in love and peace, exhaling stress and anxiety, we will begin our one sacred Earth meditation. Spending 2 to 3 minutes on each chakra.

Focusing on our ROOT CHAKRA - our hands, tailbone and feet, symbolizing survival, envision the Earth from whence we came and that supports us. Find a place on the earth that gives you the most peace be it a flower filled meadow, a tree covered mountain, a lush forest or a serene desert.

Moving your focus to your SACRAL CHAKRA, the lower abdomen area, symbolizing sexuality, desire and fertility. Here I have connected nature's gift of water. It is water that once surrounded us in our mother's womb. Spend some time envisioning yourself floating in your mother's womb, by a meandering river, a peaceful lake, a beautiful waterfall or perhaps sailing on the ocean.

Bringing your focus to your SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA, the navel area, symbolizing power and will. Envision the core of the Earth filled with iron and nickel drawing us with its gravity towards it. Feel your body sinking into the Earth melting into it by the heat of the magma making its way to the surface of the Earth.

Move your focus to your HEART CHAKRA, your chest, arms and hands symbolizing love and relationships. Here I have connected nature's gift of fire. Envision yourself by an entrancing campfire or a fascinating show of lightning.

Drawing your focus now to your THROAT CHAKRA, symbolizing communication. Here I have connected nature's gift of wind. Envision your self on a warm day comfortably seated at the beach with a cool breeze wafting over you or on a bike or a sailboat with the wind rushing over your body or blowing through your hair.

Bring your focus now to your THIRD EYE  CHAKRA located between your eyebrows and symbolizing intuition. I have connected the gift of the sun and light to this chakra. Envision yourself encompassed in the bright warm light of the sun. Envision this light traveling through your body giving life to every cell and joining with your soul expanding your soul beyond the limits of your body.

Lastly we come to our CROWN CHAKRA located at the top of your head, symbolizing connectedness with higher consciousness. I have joined the sky and clean air to this chakra. Envision a beautiful blue sky and breathing in pure oxygen which is renewing and cleansing every cell in your body.

Send gratitude to the Source of Life for all the gifts of nature.

Take a minute to feel the Divine love traveling through your whole body. Your body is the home of love. Imagine the sensation of the pull of gravity. Feel yourself sinking into the Earth as if you're melting into it. Breath in peace and love, exhale any remaining stress, tension, anxiety, feel safe. Breathe in peace and love, exhale sending your peace and love to the universe.

Then begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Then open your eyes and bring your hands together at Heart Center.

In our savasana we will be listening to One Sacred Earth by Ashana (for the worded part skip forward to 4 minutes and 13 seconds):

Indira Noro