11. Indira's Blessing Meditation

Indira's Blessing Meditation

For this meditation we will begin with reminding ourselves how loved we are by the Source of Life who has given us all good things through nature.

Next we will spend two minutes focusing on each chakra and it's coordinating colour beginning with the ROOT CHAKRA. At each chakra place one hand on the crown of your head 4 times saying the mantra, 'bless me' three times and the fourth time say, 'I am blessed' while envisioning a blessed Heavenly light entering that chakra in it's respective colour.

At the THIRD EYE CHAKRA we will change the mantra slightly to say, ‘bless my loved ones’ 3 times and the fourth time saying, ‘I am blessed.’

At the CROWN CHAKRA we will again change the mantra to say, ‘bless the whole world’ 3 times and the fourth time saying, ‘I am blessed.’

We will end this meditation by sending gratitude to the Source of Life.

Indira Noro