12. Meditating with the Bija Mantras

We can meditate with the sounds of the chakras they are called the Bija mantras.

We will begin as usual with listening to the ringing of the Tibetan singing bowl, our pranayama, self massage and then the asanas. Then we will start our seated meditation focusing on the sounds of the chakras.

Each chakra sound carries a vibrational power that awakens a specific emotional state, a realm of self-awareness and wisdom within us. The OM or AUM is the most sacred of all sounds, it represents the Oneness of all creation. It is considered to be the first sound in the universe. Correctly said it should sound like ah, oh, hmm. It is said if we mix these three sounds it produces all other sounds. It is also said the word 'amen' meaning 'so be it' originally comes from AUM.

The sound of the root chakra is 'LAM.'

After inhaling deeply, slowly exhale making the sound 'lam.' Do the same with each sound of each chakra. We will meditate on each chakra 2 to 3 minutes recalling its location and colour.

The sound of the sacral chakra is 'VAM.'

The sound of the solar plexus chakra is 'RAM.'

The sound of the heart chakra is 'YAM.'

The sound of the throat chakra is 'HAM.'

The sound of the third eye chakra is 'OM.'

For the crown chakra we will use OM with an 'ah' sound in front of it so it sounds like 'AUM.'

Indira Noro