19. Indira's Adaption of Saint Patrick's Breastplate Prayer for Meditation

Indira's adaption of St Patrick's Breastplate Prayer for meditation:

What does the word Divine call to mind to you? Does it call to mind unconditional love, a bright light filling your heart, a knowledge of divine protection, all goodness and kindness, peace, sacrificial love, forgiving love, the source of life? Whatever the word Divine means to you focus on it as we enter it into this meditation which I have created by adapting Saint Patrick's Breastplate Prayer as mantras for meditating with the seven chakras: 

Come to a comfortably seated position. Begin with a deep breath in while envisioning inhaling from the universe all love, peace and goodness. Exhaling anything that does not serve you. We will meditate on each mantra for 2 minutes at each chakra.

1.Tuck your hands underneath you by your tailbone which is the location of your ROOT CHAKRA for a few moments repeating after me aloud or silently: the Divine is beneath me, then relax your hands on your lap.

2. Placing your hands on your lower abdomen where your SACRAL CHAKRA is located repeat after me: the Divine is with me when I sit down or lie down. Now relax your hands on your lap.

 3. Touching your navel with one hand and your other hand touching the small of your back where your SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is located, repeat after me: the Divine is behind me, then relax your hands on your lap.

 4. Crossing your arms over your chest at your HEART CHAKRA repeat after me the Divine is inside of me, then relax your hands on your lap.

5. Touching your THROAT CHAKRA with both your hands and then extending them out to your sides repeat after me the Divine is on either side of me, then relax your hands on your lap.

 6. Touching your THIRD EYE CHAKRA with your hands and then extending your arms in front of you repeat after me: the Divine is before me, then relax your hands on your lap.

 7. Now touch your CROWN CHAKRA then raise your arms above you repeating after me: the Divine is above me. Relax your hands on your lap.

Now totally surrounded and filled by the Divine ask yourself how can I share the Divine with others? How can I use my hands and feet, my body and my voice to reflect the love of the Divine to others?

Indira Noro