17. Indira's Heart Opening Meditation

17. Indira's Heart Opening Meditation:

Come to a comfortably seated position.

Closing your eyes notice the weight of your body.
Feel gravity pulling your body toward the center of the Earth.

Soften your shoulders and loosen your jaw.

For this meditation we will be envisioning our heart opening with each chakra colour exuding and spreading from our hands so that we will be completely surrounded in each chakra’s particular colour and meditate there for about 2 minutes.

Place your hands firmly on the ground on either side of you. Envision yourself drawing up the energy of the earth into your hands which appears in the colour red and is the colour of the ROOT CHAKRA. Gently touch your feet and your tailbone and then bring your hands to Heart Center and stretch your arms forward and say the mantra ‘Open My Heart.’ Feel your heart center opening. Then circle your arms wide to your sides, spreading the colour red as you go eventually resting them on your knees or your lap, palms facing up. We will stay in this encirclement of red for 2 minutes.

Place the palms of your hands flat on the floor on either side of you and envision yourself drawing into your hands the earth energy in the colour of orange which is the colour of the SACRAL CHAKRA. Gently touching your lower abdomen bring your hands to Heart Center and stretch your arms forward saying the mantra ‘Open My Heart.’ Continue to feel your heart center opening.  Circle your arms wide, spreading the colour orange as you go, eventually letting your hands come to rest on your knees or lap, palms facing up. Meditate in this encirclement of orange.

Place the palms of your hands flat on the floor on either side of you and envision yourself drawing into your hands the earth energy in the colour of yellow which is the colour of the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA. Gently touching your navel area bring your hands to Heart Center and stretch your arms forward saying the mantra ‘Open My Heart.’ Continue to feel your heart center opening.  Circle your arms wide, spreading the colour yellow as you go, eventually letting your hands come to rest on your knees or lap, palms facing up. Meditate in this encirclement of yellow .

Place the palms of your hands flat on the floor on either side of you and envision yourself drawing into your hands the earth energy in the colour of green which is the colour of the HEART CHAKRA. Gently place your hands on your chest area then bring your hands to Heart Center and stretch your arms forward saying the mantra ‘Open My Heart.’ Continue to feel your heart center opening.  Circle your arms wide, spreading the colour green as you go, eventually letting your hands come to rest on your knees or lap, palms facing up. Meditate in this encirclement of green.

Place the palms of your hands flat on the floor on either side of you and envision yourself drawing into your hands the earth energy in the colour of blue which is the colour of the THROAT CHAKRA. Gently place your hands on your throat then bring your hands to Heart Center and stretch your arms forward saying the mantra ‘Open My Heart.’ Continue to feel your heart center opening. Circle your arms wide, spreading the colour blue as you go, eventually letting your hands come to rest on your knees or lap, palms facing up. Meditate in this encirclement of blue.

Place the palms of your hands flat on the floor on either side of you and envision yourself drawing into your hands the earth energy in the colour of violet which is the colour of the 3rd EYE CHAKRA. Gently place your hands on your forehead then bring your hands to Heart Center and stretch your arms forward saying the mantra ‘Open My Heart.’ Continue to feel your heart center opening. Circle your arms wide, spreading the colour violet as you go, eventually letting your hands come to rest on your knees or lap, palms facing up. Meditate in this encirclement of violet.

Place the palms of your hands flat on the floor on either side of you and envision yourself drawing into your hands the earth energy as white light as the CROWN CHAKRA is colourless. Gently place your hands on crown of your head then bring your hands to Heart Center and stretch your arms forward saying the mantra ‘Open My Heart.’ Continue to feel your heart center opening. Circle your arms wide, spreading the white light as you go, eventually letting your hands come to rest on your knees or lap, palms facing up. Meditate in this encirclement of white light.

Bring your hands to Heart Center. Notice how you feel. Express your gratitude to the Divine for opening your heart center.

Indira Noro